After taking a moment to decipher the statement being made by our friendly sign artist, we decide to take a walk up the street. I want to take you into the next complex but I want you to see something that resides on the other side of the apartment building that is in front of our building. Our building does not face the parking lot it is actually at a ninety degree angle from the first row of parking spaces so our front door looks at another property and our back door looks at the next building in the complex. At any rate, we stroll down to the corner and take a right and I hear you gasp at what you see. I, however, continue to walk without missing a beat. You see, it is like this in my world every day. It is numbing and due to lack of options, you have to get used to it. That I have. This is only a weeks worth of trash for approximately a dozen small apartments. I would not want to be the one who lives next door to this. These people think I am a loud shrew now....

Of course it is
ridiculous. What you don't see is that a couple days after this picture was taken, it was trash day and the city came to empty the dumpsters. The city obviously does not obligate them to clean up what is on the ground and what ever overflow fell to the ground remained. That is what makes man so
vitriolic to our lovely planet. The failure to care for our
environment has
poisoned it to the point of destruction. Yes, it is only a matter of time before we choke to death on our own filth.
On the bright side, a caring tenant came out and cleaned up the trash. Thanks to them because it is an eyesore. Trash belongs where trash belongs. It does not belong, however on the ground where there are children play.
Because this is not the way I wish to take you, we do an about face and retrace our steps. But, you have become self aware and you begin to take your surroundings more seriously and you begin to see. You begin to understand...

The pictures here are just like you see them on the street. The one with the red sign is exactly about face from the dumpster and the one with the couch is directly across from it. You would think that the city workers would have something to say about that or at least charge the tenants or property owners to mandate a cleanup for this. But nobody cares. This is the 'hood. What makes me angry is there are real people who live in these areas and some of them are pretty decent. Progress and modernity has just passed most of them over and keeps their spirits beat down so they have no inspiration to be a productive part of society. So, they just live.
Desperation is what makes most of the criminals. Not
meanness. Like any breathing being, people are not born mean, they are made. Most are products of their own environment which in turn is a product of society. Governmental entities try to make things hard on the common man but what they fail to realize is that they are simply keeping the common man in the very places they are trying to run them away from. You see, when you have nothing, you cannot go anywhere. In modern times, it takes money or clout to do ANYTHING. If you want them out, provide them a way and they will gladly leave. It is likely they don't want to be there any more than you don't want them there.
Now, lets walk over toward the next complex...It is a safer walk than taking the main street. Too much traffic....