Recently, someone drove into the rather large fountain in the "heart" of downtown (yet again!) and destroyed it. It is a beautiful fountain and very different in that it overflows out of the big basin and the water recycles from the drains in the ground around it. The city always decorates it at Christmas time and what not. The repairs have been made and they announced that it would be up and running on St. Patricks day. It was complete with GREEN water! Not just green but G R E E N water! I forgot that they were doing that and on this lovely day, I had my children in the car and we rode by it. Of course they noticed it instantly. Also because I am sometimes a cool mom (or try to be) we stopped and took a peek. We even got Shoobie-like and took a couple of pics like we have never seen such a thing before.
I beleive that the City Council votes to do some retarded stuff sometimes but this just takes the malt out of my beverage. Granted I know that it did not cost an arm and three toes to color that water but what are our tax dollars hard at work on here? I wonder how many meetings the council had to have to simply agree to have that water green. It is a large fountain and it is not exactly a small amount of water. That was a deep green too. How much coloring did it really take? It could not have been too much or too toxic because as we were leaving, a small bird came and began to bathe himself! I looked up at the sky and told the man upstairs that I was glad that was a brown bird. I could only imagine if that bird was red, yellow or even white! What a site that would have been.
As we were walking away, I even took a photo of myself with one of those bewildered looks so that I could have a laugh at myself later.
On another note, while we were there taking pictures and looking like a bunch of Shoobies (FYI: Shoobie is a newly arrived local resident or a visitor to our lovely resort area here at the beach. Reference the Rocket Power cartoon for a complete education on what it is to be Shoobie-like.) some man on a bike offered to take a picture of the lot of us. I guess he fully believed I was a dumb out of towner. There was no way he was going to get his mitts on my camera and run off with it. Why then I would have to discontinue my plog and my loyal readers would be so down with grief that I would have to start a counseling group! Let me tell you, counseling and advise is not my forte nor will it ever be any specialty of mine. I am a pro at only a few things and they are screechin, free stuff, and talking on the phone. I got no time for anything else on my agenda. But I digress. So here is the green water and I hope you all had a St. Patty's day to remember. I know the Canadians sure did! It was a nice day and they had the warmth they came here for! Not pots of gold but warm golden sunshine is just as good when you know your permenant home is sitting at twenty below!!!!