Sunday, March 1, 2009

City Council, still sucks, but this rally was peaceful.

Click on the link above to view photos from the Myrtle Beach Helmet Freedom Ride. These and more galleries about the swirling pit of irony that is Myrtle Beach at

I have always wondered what it would be like to be alive in a turbulent time. While this turbulent time is quarantined to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, it is only a matter of time before it explodes into something extremely ugly. The waves of change have hit America and they have wiped out everything that Myrtle Beach was or signified. Now it is becoming like any other playground for the rich. A wide and vast wasteland that will crumble under the very cornerstones that the Rich have laid over the past four years. The trouble has arrived and it is not labeled black, hispanic, poor, or uneducated. It is labaled for the very people who have pursued the ones that they fear the most. The ones who know how to survive will win and those with the most toys will die with just that: misery and the most toys. No love there.

Yesterday, there was an event that I am sorry that I missed. It was the Helmet Freedom Ride through Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Effective yesterday, everyone who rides motorcycles within the city limits of Myrtle Beach MUST wear a helmet even though the state law is that those over the age of majority may choose to go without. While I am aware that city law will trump state law if it is more restrictive, I find this one of those nit picky things that should never have been considered in the first place. Yes, I am aware that the city no longer wants the rallies to come. But, they are a foundation of any events that happen in May. Also, the people who are making these nit picky decisions are the ones who have the money and do not think about the very foundations of this city. The bike rallies have been around for many years and I honestly do not believe the new ordinaces found at were aggregately aimed at the collective celebrations referred to as the bike rallies. I believe they were aimed more specifically at the Atlantic Beach Bike Festival. While this does not originate in Myrtle Beach, it has become a huge event and it overflows into Myrtle Beach. Unfortunately, the ABF is generally different in its racial makeup than the Harley Davidson Bike Rally, it would be unfair to apply ordinaces to one rally over another. This is why this has become the creature it has.

Many of the so-called locals despise the month of May. These are the ones who are well to do and can hold thier own during the terrible off season that befalls this area each year. For those of us who happen to live paycheck to paycheck and harshly depend on the business that anything brings during the "on-season," this is part of our income that we need to survive. For my family, it is only a minor headache and we dont mind it each year. It is not like we have to deal with it longer than a month. So why try to do things to ensure that it will die out like all the great things have? Because the rich have made their money off of it and are ready to move on to their next victims.

Rich people and their snotty ways. Gosh forbid I ever become rich. I will keep reminders all about me about where I came from. It is rediculous to put on airs and believe that everyone can live like that. While that would be nice, it is an impossibility. Why be so vitriolick all your life and assume that you are better than everyone when everyone in this country was born equally. Butt naked and possessing nothing but your own soul. Souls are not what these rich people have. They have sold them to dance a dance that they will definitely wish they would not have to when Karma catches up to them.

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