Thursday, April 30, 2009


Very strong word. But that doesn't even begin to cover it. Sometimes that word just gets the best of me and it becomes something that it is not. I am tired of harboring 'Angry' in my heart. It resides right next to resentment and ill will and those are three things that should not be a part of any of me. Why should those things be a part of any human being is beyond me. Oh sure, I can reflect on what my philosophy courses have taught me. You know, Evil is necessary for happiness to be about. Or something like that. Sometimes I think: WHATEVER!

Angry also brings along his friends that make things even worse. Some of them are: headache, chest pains, sickness, stress, and hurt. Those are also things that are not good for anyone or for the soul for that matter. But you know, when Angry has gotten into your heart, it is nearly impossible to see that it is more than a black feeling. It is more than something bad. It is something that so needs help and it gets eradicated or held back because of all the darkness that surrounds it. It is a pretty sad situation, really.

Of course, because Angry has come to visit me, nobody cares and everyone around me thinks that I have mental issues and that I simply need a hug or Jesus, whichever you prefer. NOT. I am simply tired of spoon feeding Angry and making it a part of me. But my surroundings simply will not let it go away that easily. They won't or can't. So, I guess that Angry will remain a part of me and I will simply have to go on. Thanks. For nothing.

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