I normally do not get into politics but I promised this to be a reader driven blog and I am going to give this a go. Our country is presumed to be filled with the most patriotic group of homosapiens on the planet. However, what is patriotism when we value fame over selflessness?
I hear that our beloved President flew the flag at half mast for the death of a superstar and not for someone who died in the line of duty defending our rights that we take for granted in this country. Hmm....that sounds a little off to me. Before I go on with this rant, let me get some things out of the way. I do not want any misconceptions nor am I trying to start political drama on my page.
1. I am not Obama bashing nor am I against the government or for it.
2. I am not familiar with this story until just now.
3. I refuse to argue politics (or money for that matter) with anyone.
Ok. Now that is out of the way, lets continue. Often times, we become so engrossed with some thing or another (yes, I meant to separate that word) that we fail to realize the important things in our jobs and in our lives. Obama is trying to do the job to the best that he can with the hand that he was dealt all the while showing that he is just as human or as "cool" as the next guy. Ok, so he chose to honor someone that let their life run them over. In her day, Whitney had it made and she allowed all that fame and money turn her into a miserable excuse of a human being. That is how many people who endure the disease called fame. They let it get to them and they allow it to railroad their very souls and turn them into a drug addicted monster that ends up with a sad ending to the chapter we call life. Whitney made some music that spoke to a great many people and affected peoples lives in more ways than the music itself.
In the 8th grade, I had a lovely Mr. Henderson as our main teacher (Mary Crabtree and Carrie Andrews can attest to that) that was SO infatuated with this woman that we were forced to listen to her music and how Goddess like she was (even though I personally believed this man to be prejudice.) Now, as a middle schooler, I was more interested in "headbanger" music and the thought of listening to one more bar of "Iiiiiiiiiiiiiieyiiiiiiiiiii will always love youuuuuuuuuuIIIIIII" made me puke. But, nonetheless, she affected my life. I reflected on that and wondered how old Mr Henderson felt when Whitney did overdose.
But I digress. So Obama chose to honor her. Ok. I get that. He IS human, after all. As a side from that, maybe he was so busy doing presidential things that he forgot the then unknown Chris Kyle and failed to mention the acts of valor he did for this country and that he died honorably in the line of duty. Regardless of the fact that he did have the most confirmed sniper kills and had an impressive military career, so have countless others who have died while on active duty and on leave as well. Yes, Obama, you should have acknowledged Chris Kyle or at least chose to honor Whitney Houston in a different way.
Priorities a little skewed? Professionally, yes. But our dear President is human. Humans do make mistakes. However, as president, he does need to put a little more thought into what is more important, our rights the forefathers put a great deal of thought into or someone with the privilege to allow FAME to run them over like a Mack truck. Hmmmmmm.
I hear that our beloved President flew the flag at half mast for the death of a superstar and not for someone who died in the line of duty defending our rights that we take for granted in this country. Hmm....that sounds a little off to me. Before I go on with this rant, let me get some things out of the way. I do not want any misconceptions nor am I trying to start political drama on my page.
1. I am not Obama bashing nor am I against the government or for it.
2. I am not familiar with this story until just now.
3. I refuse to argue politics (or money for that matter) with anyone.
Ok. Now that is out of the way, lets continue. Often times, we become so engrossed with some thing or another (yes, I meant to separate that word) that we fail to realize the important things in our jobs and in our lives. Obama is trying to do the job to the best that he can with the hand that he was dealt all the while showing that he is just as human or as "cool" as the next guy. Ok, so he chose to honor someone that let their life run them over. In her day, Whitney had it made and she allowed all that fame and money turn her into a miserable excuse of a human being. That is how many people who endure the disease called fame. They let it get to them and they allow it to railroad their very souls and turn them into a drug addicted monster that ends up with a sad ending to the chapter we call life. Whitney made some music that spoke to a great many people and affected peoples lives in more ways than the music itself.
In the 8th grade, I had a lovely Mr. Henderson as our main teacher (Mary Crabtree and Carrie Andrews can attest to that) that was SO infatuated with this woman that we were forced to listen to her music and how Goddess like she was (even though I personally believed this man to be prejudice.) Now, as a middle schooler, I was more interested in "headbanger" music and the thought of listening to one more bar of "Iiiiiiiiiiiiiieyiiiiiiiiiii will always love youuuuuuuuuuIIIIIII" made me puke. But, nonetheless, she affected my life. I reflected on that and wondered how old Mr Henderson felt when Whitney did overdose.
But I digress. So Obama chose to honor her. Ok. I get that. He IS human, after all. As a side from that, maybe he was so busy doing presidential things that he forgot the then unknown Chris Kyle and failed to mention the acts of valor he did for this country and that he died honorably in the line of duty. Regardless of the fact that he did have the most confirmed sniper kills and had an impressive military career, so have countless others who have died while on active duty and on leave as well. Yes, Obama, you should have acknowledged Chris Kyle or at least chose to honor Whitney Houston in a different way.
Priorities a little skewed? Professionally, yes. But our dear President is human. Humans do make mistakes. However, as president, he does need to put a little more thought into what is more important, our rights the forefathers put a great deal of thought into or someone with the privilege to allow FAME to run them over like a Mack truck. Hmmmmmm.
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