Saturday, April 12, 2014

Calling "home" from work

Sometimes I work on Saturdays. Most Saturdays, our teenager has some sort of thing she has to rush off to and blesses us with the lack of her teenagery presence. Well, maybe not a blessing because she is our gurl and we miss her when she is not here. Just don't miss that 'tude so much.

At any rate. Working from home, WAH Professionals know it is not as easy as going into the other room and waking said teenager then coming back to your office and return to work.  This is where I have to "call home" and make sure the teenager is up and getting ready so she wont be late to her activity. Anyone with teens knows for sure that if they miss something, no matter how trivial it is to YOU, tears will ensue.

So, here I sit tethered to my machine (work has a strict rule that thou shalt be ball and chained to your computer as wireless anything is a big NO NO) trying to get her attention.  She is only 2 rooms away and I know she has to be out the door by half the hour to arrive on time. Texting, texting, reply. Hrmmmm. It is slow. Maybe I can sneak in an actual call to her without a call coming in from work. answer. Figures, the teen keeps her phone on silent and unless she is looking at the physical phone itself, she is not going to see the thing blinking like a fire truck blaring down the street. Ugh! Time to call the house. Never mind I get lots of flashy lights and notifications in my office when the house phone rings and it annoys me greatly but here we go.....RING (as I hear it through the walls) RING.... RING.....

Sleepily, a voice answers. Ah, yes. Just the voice I am painfully searching for. "Are you up m'dear? Get up Daddy so you can go, go, go!!!"  She replies with an "OK Mom. Love ya." Of course the teenager only says that because she is still SLEEPY!  But hey, it works. I accomplished getting them up and running from the comfort of my floppy bunny slippers.

What do YOU think?

Disclaimer: Author has several blog outlets and pages. This entry is reprinted on those for high level access.

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