Thursday, January 8, 2015

Day 8: Roomba Coffee Server

While at work the other day, we were discussing coffee and other general Work at Home topics. I have no clue how we went from coffee to Roombas but it gave me a brilliant idea!

I want a Roomba to bring me coffee with the push of a button!

Now, I can certainly bypass that and just purchase a coffee maker for my office and get on with my life but this is in the category of NEAT! I have always wanted a Roomba because they are However, I am cheap, and I squeak and it is not likely that one will be in my future. UNLESS (so the Lorax says, Love the book by the say. I can read it emphatically to you, with my voice, without the book, right now, and LOVE it. Ah, but I  digress) someone buys me one then I will happily put it to use!

Add in the coffee integer....I push a button, send it out to "navigate the heckacious hallway traffic" and get fresh, hot, coffee and bring it back to me. Oh the joy!  I would even go so far as to install a little "RooombaDoor" for it to come into my office without human intervention. OMY that would be soo cool. I could bring it out when we entertain and it would be great!

Alas, things like that have yet to exist but it is cool to think about. What neat gizmo would you want to bring YOU coffee?

What do YOU think?

(Note: Ya, this is a short one. My brain is fried today. Poo.)

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