This is exactly what I am doing today. Today's product? Red Baron Brick Oven Pizza.
When I got my coupons for this, I was going to use them all at once. I am not the only pizza lover in my house so why not make the trial a family affair? To my dismay, it was nearly 2 weeks before my local stores even carried Brick Oven. Oh, they had Red Baron alright. Every stinkin Red Baron under the sun. Wal Mart even had a kids sandwich container with Snoopy fighting the Red Baron hanging on one of those random impulse buy hangers in between the frozen aisle doors. I just knew it was a conspiracy and that my stores were messing with me. The ONE time I left the house and stopped by the store on impulse, guess what was in the frozen foods aisle? RED BARON BRICK OVEN PIZZA! Oh yes, I was pretty vocal about it.
Me: "NOW they decide to stock it!"
Numba 8: "What mom?"
Me: "Red Baron Brick Oven Pizza!" **looks around and sees other shoppers looking at the interaction. "It is supposed to be good stuff lil man! Just like delivery!"
Numba 8: "Well, we should get some!"
Me: Lets run back to the house and get my coupons and we will try EVERY flavor!"
That is exactly what we did. We tried Brick Oven pizza that same day! Truth be told, it is nothing like any other frozen pizza! The crust was perfect and there was no over melty mess to clean up in the bottom of the oven! (It says to place it right on the oven rack. Usually that ends up with me cleaning the oven, but not this time.) It was not chewy or lacking in flavor either. I just know I am going to save so much money buying Red Baron Brick Oven Pizza instead of delivery the next time or even times after that I want Pizza.
Watch out delivery! You have some serious competition here!
What do YOU think?

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