Living at the beach is not all it is cracked up to be. Sure, if you have lots of money and are in the upper middle class it is a whole lot easier than living amongst the cogs that actually make this place work. For the longest time, I could not understand the idea of someone coming here for a visit and getting left then fully believing they are "stuck" here for no lack of a way home. You have feet right? Wrong. Once you become a cog of the machine, it reels you in, sucks the lifeblood out of you and never lets you go.
The work is seasonal, you cannot afford anything and you have to work like a slave during the season just to barely scrape by in the off season. Even then, it only works if you can save your money and not let anyone know that you have a nickel to spare. That leads to the lifetime beachers. Those that have accepted their fate that they are here for life or those that have spent their entire lives at this beach and have no ambition to see other places or simply leave. They are like vultures sitting on the side of the valley just waiting for you to drop dead so they can peck your eyes right out of your face. They move in on you at the slightest twitch of weakness and then they hone in for the kill and suck the lifeblood out of you and then you assimilate and become one of them. Lifeless, bloodsucking, feelingless wretches that do nothing but suck you dry and leave your carcass for the wind to carry it out to sea.
For a long time I loved it here. It was nice to be able to go to the beach whenever you felt like and I love hot summers so this was a great place for me. But then we moved here and I still loved it but it slowly changed for me.
They became the predators and I became the prey. There were other factors that led to the change however, this is the overpowering cause. My family was happy and we had everything we needed. While we had not yet purchased a home, we had each other, we got along and there was not any strife among us. Then things began to change. These people are needy. No, I am not talking about the ones that have things going for themselves. I am talking about the cogs of this society that have to work for a living and scrape by from check to check. They look at us 'outsiders' and say, "hmmmm....they have more than me. We shall change that." And like vampires in the night, they do everything they can to make that happen. They call at all times of the day and night and expect you to take them all over hell and creation. This runs up your phone bill (if you are on an allotted minute plan, otherwise, it is just nuisance,) it puts a great deal of wear and tear on your car if you become their taxi service and they want to borrow shit. ALL THE TIME. You get promises of gas money and for return of your things and that will never happen. Then they figure out what your schedule is and do everything they can to interfere with your home life with the incessant ringing of the phone (shut it off, now NOBODY can call you,) dropping by, take me here at 3 am. Its bullshit and rubbish and needs to stop.
But it doesn't beause you write this person off then the next one does the same thing. How can people live like that? Do they not want better? I have lived many places in my life but never one like this. They also like to play mean jokes on people but that is for a different day. Have you ever lived in a place that makes you feel like you have found Rancid Armpit, USA? Tell me about it....
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