Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Why are you in such a hurry?

I have written about traffic before. I don't drive much, but when I do, what is the point of trying to push someone along the highway if they are going the speed limit?  Maybe they do not care about where YOU have to be and they are certainly NOT trying to get a ticket. For the most part, there is more than one lane and you can go around if you wish. There is just no need to rage and blare the horn and suddenly find the rest of you lead foot. It is not that serious.

The other night, I was coming home from picking up one of these things we made (ya, they are children. We love them but when they get a certain age, their bodies are taken over by some evil alien. Another blog, another post. I digress. WAIT! It just occurred to me I did NOT digress in another post I wrote this morning. ICK! I must really be sick! Anyway...) I was at a stoplight and when the light turned green I accelerated.

I must say that I do NOT drive like a granny but I most certainly did not get up to the posted speed limit by the time I fully crossed the intersection either. This car, it must have been near the size of a smart car or something (who also sat through the light behind me) started beeping and flashing their lights in my rear view mirror like I was hindering their ability to speed through life! Well lady, there is certainly a lane over there ----> and I am NOT going to change lanes in the middle of the dang intersection just to make you happy. I don't know you and your happiness fails to register on my utility meter. Further, I am not going to speed up to assist you in your horrid behavior. She finally went around me after about 3 seconds of her beeping and flashing. Goody. What kills me is that, 2 lights later, guess who I pulled up next to at a RED light?  I love that. I just smile and wave at them. That is what you get for trying to be ugly over something that is not that serious.

Besides, the direction she was heading, there was nothing that way for miles. Guess what else? I will get to where I am going BEFORE you, speedy lady AND I will be safe and without a ticket. So "colon pee" to you! (For you fogies out there, if you type a colon followed by a capital letter P, it is the emoticon for someone sticking their tongue out.)  I usually let stuff like that roll off my back because it is not worth it to get all worked up and have an aneurism over.

Road rage is not on the top of my list of things that I want to do. Not over some goofball like that anyway. Why ARE you in such a hurry anyway? If you are late, you are just that....late. If you rush too much, you will still be late anyway. Leave earlier next time. I know that sometimes it cannot be helped but don't take it out on everyone else when you have messed up timing. It is not their fault and they probably don't care. So, why waste the time getting angry?

Your song is on the radio and you are the ONLY one in that tiny car of yours. SING!!! Jeez.

What do YOU think?

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