Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Still in the crapper and it is a New Year

If you were to put me back to about 12 years ago and tell me I would be a wet blanket when it comes to holidays, I would have laughed in your face. I must tell you that 2013 put a bitter taste in my mouth when it comes to a lot of things. Holidays were the most affected by this crappy state our country has found itself in.  I imagine 2013 being the closest thing to the Depression of the 30's that we can get before rich people start plummeting to their deaths off the empire state building again. 

No, I do not believe the economic conditions of this country have met the demise of the pockets of the wealthy. Not yet.  They have been affected very little by the things that our current government is submitting the citizens of this country to.  It is the average citizen and certainly the poor that are in the proverbial rock and a hard place.

Working full time means that you simply have a job. Unless you are doubling what minimum wage has to offer, you are not even scraping the top of what you need to sustain your family and just survive.  On top of that, if you have children, that is even worse.  Children are in more danger in this world than they ever have been and latch key kids are nearly illegal anymore as well as the fact that there are a great many expenses when you have children on top of what you are already have.  To continue on this vein, the cost of utilities are going up, the taxes on purchases are increasing, and the cost of everything in general is skyrocketing. All the while, those that make the good money are being replaced by some worker who is so desperate for a job that they will be willing to do your job plus three others for half of what you are being paid. Companies will definitely replace you for that. That is less they have to pay for three times the work. I can see that makes sense for the pocket of the big corporation. Does it make sense for them in the long run? Probably not because they will go through twice as many workers before there is one that is willing to be their sheeple and beckon to their every call.

Us average citizens are now working for nothing to get nothing and are terribly miserable. Further, we are facing increasing expenses that we cannot afford and this is just to LIVE.  Once you get to the point that you are unable to maintain, you lose everything and are faced with homelessness then the rich people want to kick you around like a rock and treat you like you are beneath the dirt under their shoes.  Where does that get you?  Absolutely nowhere.  The owners of the companies making the products and services have to then increase the prices of what they offer just so they can maintain and it is still losing revenue because less people can afford their commodities.

While the affects of the poor are upward reaching and things are terribly hard, what the rich can do is not something that the rest of us can. They have a hoard they are sitting on and while there is still some sustenance to that hoard, they are ok. The rest of us are out of luck only to find the government forcing us to spend money we do not have on things we are too busy working our fingers to the bone to use.

Has it become a socialistic tendency in this country?  Maybe.

What do YOU think?

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