Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day 12: DAMMIT! I am workin out here!

It is said that one can begin to relax by watching their pet fish swim about in the fish tank. Unfortunately we have a bully gold fish and he is the only one left. He stressed the other fish out by chasing them around until they died. It is fitting. When we first started this tank, each person in the house named a fish. This lovely beast we have was named after a video game. His name is "Saint" after Saints Row III. Yeah, the uber gamer of the house named him. Lime I said, perfect fit for a bully fish.

Recently, Saint got too big for the half gallon tank we were keeping. He wa suffocating. Besides, it was time for a new tank anyway (I digress.) At first,  I am not sure saint knew what to do with three full gallons of water k n which to stretch his fins and he didn't eat for three days. He would hide behind the new little rock decoration in the tank for hours. The good news is that Saint got over his fear of the new environment. He must be training for the Olympics or something. Every once in a while,  he will swim circles in the tank. I know what you are thinking...how can you swim circles in a square tank?? HAHA!! Fooled you! It is a flippin circular tank. :P

The time I decided to pull out the camera and tape Saint's workout, he had already been swimming in circles for about three minutes. Someone was in the kitchen cooking bacon. They wanted it crispy and boy did it get there. In the middle of Saint working up his fishy sweat, the smoke alarm went off. In the video I attached, you will see him stop at the left of the tank and look at the teenager like "DAMMIT I AM WORKIN OUT HERE!!!" (Note: you have to say that with a thick New York mafia accent or it just won't seem right.) It was perfect timing I was recording the "workout" with the intent to write a different piece but this morphed out of it.

After he got an attitude with the teenager about interrupting his workout with the smoke alarm, he was like "Aw fluck it." Then he went back to working it out.

Only in this house. ** Shakes head.**

What do YOU think?

Update: This was inadvertently saved as a draft yesterday instead of published. It was a technical flaw with the app not wanting to attach the video. Enjoy!

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